Earlier, Google Play Books was just a closed system that used to allow you to read only those books that you have purchased from Google.But, fortunately, things have changed now and the users are able to upload their own ebooks to the Google Play Books e-reader successfully in just a minute. Jul 09, 2015 Google Play Book Upload not Working Showing 1-237 of 237 messages. Google Play Book Upload not Working. They download to the device and the don't display when I open them. I just get spinning indicators. Afterwards the books can be uploaded to google-play-books and the conversion usually gives warnings like 'none existent.
How To Download Google Book
In the Google Play Books Android application, there is an option to keep an ebook on a device if the user wants to do it. So when you decide to do such a thing, the ebook may be stored somewhere on the Android device. I would like to know where the ebook is stored. I searched in /mnt/storage
and I only found Aldiko ebooks (in the /mnt/storage/eBooks
folder), not the Google Play eBooks.
Thanks for your answsers.
PS : if it can help, I do this on an Archos G9 101 tablet.
3 Answers
I checked several sources on this. Googles own help page states:
The Google Play Books app automatically stores books in the location with the most free space, whether that's your device or your SD card, as of when the app was first launched. If you've upgraded your app, your books will continue to be stored in the same location they were before the upgrade.
Which is not very precise. A discussion on the Archos forum reveals a setting available in the app (Settings> Storage location), but there you can only chose between internal and external storage. But the same thread as well as another one on XDA reveal the path as being /data/data/com.google.android.apps.books/
(which is the apps data directory on internal storage), the Archos forums thread also mentioning Android/data/com.google.android.apps.books/files/volumes/
, which could apply to the 'external storage'.
As I don't use Google Books, maybe you could check those locations and confirm.
Note that accessing /data/data/*
requires 'root powers'. Without that, you probably won't see anything in that place.
If you want to add books you downloaded on your computer, the books are stored in: /data/data/com.google.android.apps.books/files/accounts/{your google account}/volumes
, and when you are inside the 'volumes' folder you will see some folders with a name that is some code for that book. Once you click one of those folders you will see 2 .png
files: those are the cover of the book.
You can select 'enable PDF uploading'. This will allow you select all your books and upload to your Google account. That way, you can read from any device by just signing in. And you can select to view offline.
This reduces the amount of data needed on your device.
Download Uploaded Books From Google Books Online
protected by Community♦Oct 12 '15 at 19:42
Download Uploaded Books From Google Books 2017
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