Counter Strike Online 2 Download

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File size: 1.14GB

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Counter-Strike Online Game Information

Game Name: Counter-Strike Online
Genre: First-person shooter, MMO
Developer(s): Valve Corporation, Nexon Corporation
Publisher(s): Valve Corporation, Nexon Corporation, TianCity, Gamania, IAHgames, Megaxus, PlayFPS, Nexon EU, Go Play
Platform(s): Microsoft Windows
Release date(s): July 24, 2008
PEGI Rating: Mature 17+
Mode(s): Multiplayer

Counter Strike Online 2 Download English

Counter-Strike Online System Requirements

Counter-Strike online, free download

Download other games in the Counter-Strike series for free:

Other shooters you should try out (online ones) include H1Z1and DayZ. Also play Left 4 Dead 2and Arma 3.


Counter-strike Online 2 Download Free

Counter-Strike Online Screenshots