It has been quite some time since i share my stress busting tools, here is one of the best that i have ever discovered. Play Poppit for relieving ultimate stress.
Download free PC / computer Games: poppit stress buster.
This game has been releashed for quit some time, since 2005, but can still give you a big break from your long day. The rule is simple, just connect all balloons that has the same color and pop it, your last objectives would be clearing all the balloons in the boards. To unlock great prizes, just burst all the balloons on the way, you will earn bonus token when you clear all five or less balloons. Sound interesting right? Poppit, a popping puzzle game, is the most popular game of Pogo of all time.
You can also play Poppit in a multiplayer mode, in which you earn prizes, score and compare it with other players. This is a very relaxing game without much thought and effort, i think you shouldn’t waste your IQ into games.
To play Poppit, you can play it in some web base game shop, but i find it a lot more convenient when playing it on my PC, so for your information you can download it HERE.
Poppit Stress Buster Game Free Download Game